CNC Precision Milling

CNC Precision Milling

MIRA Meccanica is specialised in CNC milling, with working centres up to 5-axis continuous; it is therefore the ideal partner for the production of mechanical components with a high degree of precision and for machining of complex structure moulds and pieces.

MIRA Meccanica guarantees a very high level of precision of different types of ferrous and non-ferrous materials, alloys and superalloys, thanks to support from advanced systems and technologies but also to very fast processing times, delivery, quality control and testing.

All Milling work during the production process uses the latest machinery and highly experienced personnel in order to ensure the best possible result and the maximum capacity to adapt to any type of processing or project requested.

Processed materials

Heat treated steels (30NiCrMo12 - 40NiCrMo7)

have the best compromise between mechanical strength and toughness and generally they are used for the construction of mechanical parts subjected to static and dynamic loads

Stainless steel (AISI 304 - AISI 316 - AISI 316L)

These steels are characterised by a stable austenitic structure at any temperature, therefore there is no increase in mechanical strength after heat treatment

Steel 13-8 PH

Artificially aged stainless steel which has a high strength/toughness and excellent resistance to corrosion.

Steel 17-4PH

precipitation hardening Cr-Ni-Cu stainless steel, of proven resistance to corrosion in the most aggressive situations, similar to that of the steel 304 series.

Inconel 625 and Inconel 718

This material is suitable for applications such as high temperature resistant parts of gas turbines and industrial installations

Aluminium Alloy (6082, 5083, 2024, 7075)

Artificially aged stainless steel which has a high strength/toughness and excellent resistance to corrosion

Titanium Ti6Al4v

It is used both for rapid 3D modelling with metal powder as well as for wire EDM and welding processes